As a true Indian and a patriotic citizen, the most significant thought that keeps lingering in my mind is that: what if after independence our country could have opted a different governance model for at least a decade or two. Instead of being a democratic country, what could it have been like to adopt

  • “Soviet Democracy” model where people are empowered to recall their political representatives or
  • “Guided Totalitarianism” where one able leader would control the Government with the guidance from group of learned and efficient scholars

(for the lack exact terminologies)

Post-independence, had the new beginning of our country been like aforesaid, then it wouldn’t have raised such careless, reckless, irresponsible, mangy, unpatriotic citizens like most of them now. It is for sure that our country would have been more prosperous and wealthy in many fields.

As the saying goes “Right things would happen at right times”, the best example I can quote from history for this is – a tiny island named Singapore which was full of mud and slime at that time and a leader who loved his country more than his life “LEE KUAN YEW” the unshakable and resolute personality. But on the contrary, classic example for slip of time and a glided opportunity would be our country India and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Soon after independence, for about 20 years our country could have flourished at a faster pace and then adopted democracy! I can’t stop thinking on these lines where we could have done that by a proclamation!

There is a hell lot of difference between the freedom struggle era and what happened post-independence. We could see that in all aspects like individuals, people, their thinking, society, leader etc. The list goes on in the way which they have governed the country after independence, how they have looted with innumerable scams, repressions, atrocities, laziness in every aspect, dishonesty, deep rooted corruption, lie, cheap politics in the name of religion and caste and so on and so forth. The beauty is that they have just produced masses of irrational people who don’t care about these things and even think that nothing is wrong!

All these years, this democratic setup has only nurtured these kinds of irresponsible, mentally retarded, selfish mass who do not even realize the fact that they have lost all the inherited rich knowledge and glory of one’s self and their evolutionary clan!

Nowadays, most prevailing mindset is that ethics, morals and other advices are all only for others and not for one’s self! The society keeps on functioning incorrigibly as if some unknown Samaritan will come and change everything for them. All our greatness and glory will be shattered if we fail to foster our next generations as responsible citizens. Come let’s join hands at this right juncture to nurture our future generation properly with all the indelible values, Let’s save our Nation!!! JAIHIND…

Postscript: This article is not against Democracy or supports Dictatorship by any means!

Just with a profound grief that still India (our country) is being called as Developing Country ☹…!




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